Why does Fran Suck?
Why is FRAN considered to be one of the most difficult workouts? Let’s break it down. Well besides the workout consisting of a total of 45 pull-ups and 45 thrusters this workout also is timed. Some of the most competitive athletes in the world struggle to get times between 2-3 minutes. So why does this matter? Well for every physiological function in the body we can only use 3 energy sources. The most effective energy source, the aerobic system, doesn’t ramp up to its full capacity until around 5 minutes. So, this leaves us with our 2 other systems which are both anaerobic. These 2 other systems produce far less ATP (the basic unit for all cellular energy) which puts us at a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage. When do these systems work best? The ATP-CP system lasts only a matter of seconds (typically 15 seconds or less). So science tells us that within the first 15 seconds of the workout we are already at a disadvantage (if you have done FRAN before this is usually when you laugh based on the amount of cringe worthy pain you have experienced). But wait, we have one more energy system… It’s called anaerobic glycolysis and it lasts longer. How long exactly? Well that’s the bad news. Anaerobic glycolysis usually dies off quite drastically around the 2-minute mark. So, we are at a metabolic disadvantage between minutes 2 and minute 5 which when FRAN comes to visit, she won’t hold the door open and wait for you to catch up. This workout is an all-out battle and it’s about “embracing the grind and loving the struggle.” You body will hurt. You will experience significant disruption in homeostasis. And you will in turn pay for it by oxygen deficit. This is also why FRAN screws the rest of your day up lol. Long story short, FRAN is a b*tch. Also, as PSA the next time you are in the gym on a Sunday and the guys think its funny to get you to do a little workout you have never heard of before called FRAN don’t trust them and continue on foam rolling.